high school just got simpler

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Blog

You can find me at http://www.mikefaga.com

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am leaving for college shortly. I am attending The Ohio State University.

I have only been writing this blog for a short time. At this point, I have less than 40 posts. But time has come for me to phase this blog out.

I have a few reasons why I'm doing this:

  1. I am going to college. I am not in high school, which was the main reason I started this blog.
  2. I am now a member of the Buckeye Blog Team. I want to be able to devote the majority of my blogging time to that. But I can't just stop writing for good on Teenage Zen.
  3. I needed to do this eventually, sooner rather than later.
I have a few more posts planned for Teenage Zen. One will be off my move in day to college. The one after will be the last one. It will have all the information on my new blog, where to find my future posts, and what I'll be doing.

Teenage Zen has been read by readers worldwide, and I hope you will continue to follow me. I will still be writing, but for a different blog. 

I had originally planned for this blog to be temporary in the first place. 

I would like to thank all my readers and subscribers. You have helped me so much, and I appreciate you. This blog has blown up these few months, and I still can't imagine how it all happened. I am very sad to do this, but I need to. This blog was like a set of training wheels for me.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Year. New You.

Summer is ending, and high school is starting. You've heard the phrase "it's a new year" before, but what does it really mean?

  • You are in the next grade.
  • You have new classes.
  • You are one year older.
  • You are more mature (I hope).
  • You have more responsibility.
  • You have more freedom.
  • You have become more you.
This is a lot to think about. It may mean nothing to the general public, but when you do actually think about it, it hits you.

You can be whatever/whoever you want. (Within good reason).

This new year lets you get a fresh start.

Bad grades last year? This year you know what you need to do to get good grades. Do your homework, or whatever needs changed.

Getting sucked into the wrong crowd? Don't let peer pressure control you. Do what is best. Even if it isn't necessarily the "cool" thing to do.

Find your own niche in life. Was last year's style of chains, dyed black hair, and black clothing just not for you? Don't repeat something you didn't like!

Take this new year to think about the complex life you've formed by society's pressure and today's culture. Do you really need those $100 jeans for school, does last year's pair still fit you? Make this year at school your most simple year ever. You'll be more likely to have less stress, get better grades, and be an overall happier person.

My senior year was by far the best year of high school. But before my senior year, I struggled too. Freshman through junior year I had problems with homework, testing, studying, everything. I needed more help than I was willing to admit back then. But I am glad to say that I succeeded, and did what I could to achieve my goals. I wasn't a 4.0 student, but I was able to juggle decent grades and extra curricular activities. I didn't prioritize correctly, and took on way too much. I let my commitments take over my life. I was constantly stressed and distracted.

I wanted to know how to fix this. How to juggle commitments, school and life simply. 

I looked to the internet and found blogs covering just that. I gave it some thought. I read, and jumped into it. I started with the mental things: noticing what commitments I had, making my life easier, etc. I fell in love with the results and continued. I noticed how much I had changed over the summer of 2010 and thought about how much this would impact my schooling. It would either help it extremely, or hurt it.

It definitely wasn't the latter.

My grades during the 2010-2011 school year were the best I've ever had. I had a 4.1 during the first quarter. That is a huge difference than the 3.2 during the end of my junior year. I kept my grades up by simply paying attention, eliminating distractions, and focusing. I turned all my homework in, all of my tests were fantastic, and I was happier with my life outside of school as well.

This is all possible just from living simply and minimally; but if these kinds of results exist, why doesn't every high school student do this?

Society tells you no. Our culture wants you to have more. Do more. Be more. They want you do be the star athlete, take AP classes, be the student body president, and manage your social life. This is all wrong. Do what you want. Find the things you like and stick to them. Don't load your life with commitments and things that won't help you become what you want to be.

This year, do one thing. Live simply.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Help Yourself In Order To Help Others

I had a nice heart-to-heart conversation with a great friend of mine a while ago. He seemed caught up in a mix of teenage drama, other people's issues, and problems in his own life. He is usually this happy, carefree, laid back guy. To see this side of him was a big change.

I was more than happy to help him though. I don't have anything too prevalent going on in my life. So I could give him all the help he needed.

What makes people so interested in other people's problems? Reality shows, school drama, and fights intrigue people daily. 

This is all wrong. You shouldn't be putting more stresses on yourself than you need. Not only do you have your own problems, now you're throwing more and more at yourself. There ends up being piles of stress, problems, and commitments to things that do not affect you personally in any way. All of this stress makes your life complicated. You are unable to complete tasks, work on goals, or be truly happy. 

You need to take care of your own issues first. You should be priority #1. 

A few tips on helping yourself first:
  • List out everything that's going on in your life.
  • Go through this list one at a time. Doing everything in your power to take on this issue. If it's a simple commitment, see if you can drop it. Only take on one thing at a time. Go down the list one by one. These can act like goals, but don't work too hard on them all at once. Do one thing a day to help with it.
  • Take time to work these out. If you need to take a month or two to deal with something, whether it's a finance issue, bad break up, or something deep in your life, do so. Stresses need to be dealt with as soon as possible or they will sit there and fester.
  • Say no. When someone comes to you with their problems, say no. You might have been there for them before, but you need to be there for you. They will understand. Tell them you are dealing with things yourself right now, and can't take anything else on at the moment. You shouldn't be expected to take on their problem before your own.
  • Listen, don't do anything. If you truly need to help someone, just listen. Most of the time, people just need to vent. If you can't say no, then just listen. Listening is a powerful tool, and takes minimal effort from you. Just be in the moment for them, and pay attention. You don't need to fix any problem, give any advice, just be there for them to talk to. You don't need to worry about their problem, but they will know that you care.
"The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." -Thich Nhat Hanh
Listening to someone and just being with them can make all the difference. You don't have to stress about their issue, and you can deal with your own before you worry about theirs. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Glimpse Into A Barefoot World

It feels amazing being barefoot. 

It's pure, simple, and, well, bare.

I feel more relaxed, and less confined than when wearing shoes. 

I love feeling everything beneath my feet. The different textures and temperatures feel so awesome.

I feel much more present and in the moment. 

For the past month or so, I haven't chosen to wear my tennis shoes. In everything I've done, I have chose to do it barefoot or wearing my Sanuks, which don't need socks. I've gotten so used to it that I had formed a habit of not wearing shoes and socks.

I actually noticed about a week ago that I actually didn't have many pairs of socks. That would explain why I never could find a clean pair when I was wearing my tennis shoes. 

Since I've been going mostly barefoot, I haven't needed socks. I've pretty much forgotten all about them. I say pretty much because I've had a few instances when I needed to wear "normal" shoes. That's when I went on a scavenger hunt to find any at all.

I want to fully embrace the barefoot lifestyle. You can do a lot of sports barefoot. I have wanted to get back into running, and I could do it barefoot. I don't know about being barefoot while climbing, I'm too attached to my climbing shoes.

If it weren't for Ohio's unpredictable weather and cold winter, I would probably get rid of all my socks. But since I can't change weather, I need to keep my socks for the colder seasons.  

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Steps To 100 Things

Narrowing down everything I own to 100 things is challenging. Since my last post about 100 things, I've only been able to add one or two items. The 100 Thing Challenge is going to be tougher than I thought.

But if I thought this was going to be easy, it wouldn't be called a challenge then, would it?

So I came up with a plan.

My Plan:
  • List out everything I use.
  • Narrow it down to 100.
I'm not going to make a list of what I'm planning on taking, like what is normally done. I think that is defeating the purpose of being minimal. Instead, I'm going to make a list of everything I use daily. And then narrow that down to 100 things. 

Why I think this plan is better:

  • I don't need to think about it. Normally, I would sit down and think of everything I use and would use and write it down. This way I get a perfect idea of what I use.
  • I account for everything. I won't miss little things like a toothbrush, or alarm clock.
  • I'll have a list ready to go. Since I won't be making the list on the spot, I'll have more time to think about what I need. I'll have a list made already to start making the final 100 thing list.

For the next week or two, I'm going to write down everything I use: clothing, technology, pencils, and even my trash can. This way I'll see what I'm currently using, and what I can cross off my list. Then I'll work on shortening that list. 

What I like about this approach is that I don't need to sit down and think about what I'll need. But one flaw I can think of is that I have to do precisely what I'm talking about: writing down everything I use.

It'll be easier than I think though. I have a notebook I carry around with me, and my phone I can write in if need be. But I'll need to remember to write it all down. Which is exactly why I'm trying it out. By the end of this week, if I don't have anything accomplished, I need to consider a different method. That is my goal for this week: write down everything I use. Next week will be to write down anything new, and to narrow the list down. 

I'll write again after this week is up on my progress.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Vacation Of Simple Foods

I spent this past week in South Carolina, vacationing in Myrtle Beach and visiting a relative further down the coast. This picture was the view from my hotel room. Such an awesome beach to wake up to! What made this vacation different from others I've been on is that I had had access to a kitchen everyday. I had the majority of my meals in my hotel room. With the exception of eating at the beach, or dinner out with my family.

For the past few months, I've been training myself to not eat fried foods and to lean off of soda. It's been hard, especially since there is a lot of restaurants where I live. You know my opinion of fast food if you read my previous post. During my vacation, we did eat out a few times (not entirely my choice). If given the option to eat fried or grilled, I chose grilled. Only once this week did I eat fried food, and that was by accident. I ordered a flounder and shrimp dinner, but it didn't say on the menu it was fried. I ended up with a huge plate of fried seafood. My whole dinner was fried.

What I ate from restaurants:

  • Turkey burger
  • Scallops (grilled)
  • Shrimp (grilled)
  • Salads
  • A wrap
  • The ONE fried dinner of shrimp and flounder... Yuck...
  • Sushi
  • A pesto pizza shared with my father
  • Homemade sandwiches
  • Mangoes
  • Bananas
  • Yogurt
During my week on vacation, I managed to only drink soda twice. Once when my family was having dinner while visiting my uncle, and once on the drive home. 

After seeing how easy it is to eat healthy even when traveling, I realized how much easier it would be in everyday life! I know I usually eat fairly healthy, but I've felt so good this past week I plan on continuing this habit. I noticed how terrible I felt when I had that fried shrimp, or soda; not just because I broke my habit, but I physically felt awful. My body almost rejected the fried food, and I had do seriously gulp the soda down. 

Added to my now list of goals: to have a whole food diet. According to Wikipedia, a whole foods are foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible, before being consumed. Whole foods typically do not contain added ingredients, such as salt, carbohydrates, or fat. I'm not "dieting" so to speak (I'm terribly skinny as it is), I just want to limit what I eat to non-processed (ideally organic, but that can be hard to do 100% of the time), and healthy foods all the time. Since I eat with my family, I don't think it's possible to always buy organic, or no-preservative food all the time. My family isn't taking on this habit, I am. 

I hope to be accustomed to a whole food diet by college, but we will see how that goes.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fast Food Is Too Complicated

Yesterday, someone bought me lunch from Taco Bell. It was very thoughtful of them. But when they asked me what I wanted, I had no idea. I rarely eat fast food at all, and I've never even ordered from Taco Bell. I didn't know the menu. So they got me a burrito and a taco. I was pleased. So nice of them to buy me lunch.

I started to think. I don't know fast food menus off the top of my head. It makes sense, since I don't eat fast food a lot. How do people do it? If you eat from restaurants or fast food daily, how to you decide on what to eat? How can you afford paying for it everyday? Where's the common sense? Americans are at a point where they think it is easier to go somewhere, order food, wait for it, pay for it when you get it, and drive back; then to just pay for a week's worth of food at once. I don't want it to seem like I am bashing on the food industry, so bear with me.

Why I don't like fast food:
  • It's unhealthy. I know eating fast food makes me feel bloated and sluggish. I can only imagine what eating it regularly could do to your body.
  • It's rushed. You're rushing one of the most enjoyable parts of your day. Eating a meal should be spent conversing with friends, enjoying the food, and savoring the simple pleasure of eating.
  • It's expensive. If you spend $50-75 (that can be a larger/smaller number. I'm just estimating.) at a grocery store for a week, that's roughly 3 meals a day. But if you spend about $5-6 per meal for fast food, that's over $100 a week. So shopping for food is cheaper in the long run.
  • It's complicated. Instead of buying food at a grocery and planning out basic meals, you'd have to order a burger, get toppings, a side, a drink, sizes for all those things, and the classic: "Do you want fries with that?"
People will always have questions like, "Mike, what if I'm in a hurry?" or "What about school?"

Being in a hurry is one thing, I can understand that. Fast food might be a reasonable choice then. I suggest taking more time in your day to eat at home. If you must eat out, then go for it. But by all means, make a smart decision. Get a chicken sandwich, or a salad. Not only are they healthier than burgers, but sometimes even cheaper. Don't form a habit of eating out.

In high school, I know I struggled to eat simply. Most days I caved and got the main dish, fries, and drink. I thought it was simpler to go with the flow of eating what was provided than to think about my meal beforehand. 

In college, it can be different. You'll have much more selection and freedom. Go for wraps, salads, and sandwiches rather than burgers, pizza, and junk food. Most colleges have dorms with kitchens. Make use of it. Make your meals at your dorm instead of eating out. 

To sum up my rant, eating at home and buying from a grocery store is simpler, easier, and inexpensive compared to eating out. You'll be much happier and your body will thank you. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

100 Thing Challenge

College is fast approaching, and a lot of people are talking about what they're taking to college. I hear mostly the same things: bedding, clothes, computer, furniture, and TV. I also hear about is the vast amount of things people will bring. It seems that my friends plan on bringing everything they own. But I have a different idea.

I plan on bringing only 100 personal items to college.

I read about this concept in a book by Dave Bruno, The 100 Thing Challenge. It's a fantastic book. The goal of this is to reduce the amount of clutter you have, and to see what you actually use and love. (Edit- I'd like to give a big thank you to Dave Bruno personally for reading my blog and retweeting this to all his followers. He has done me a huge favor by doing so.)

What isn't included:
  • Books
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Things that aren't personally yours, like dishes, an air conditioning unit, fridge, or TV.
  • Tools
  • Collections count as one item
I am excited to give this a try. Since I'm going to college soon, I'll be able to use this to guide what I take to college. That way I will truly see how well I can live with only 100 things. Then I will limit my entire life, and not just what I bring to college.

What is included:
  • Personal items
It's up to you to decide what's personal and what isn't. Usually you'd include shirts, pants, and clothing all as individual items. There is no judge, no competition, and no wrong answer to this. 

How to start:
  • Inventory: Write down everything you choose. That way you can see how close to 100 you are.
  • Make a must keep pile. This is for things like a phone, keys, your Olympic Gold Medal, and clothing. Mark those separately, so you know not to forget them in the list.
  • Mark all the maybe items. If you get over 100, remove items from this list first. These are items you are borderlined about. Maybe it's that home run derby ball, or the shirt you got for Christmas.
  • Get rid of the rest. It's all right if this last step takes longer than the others. If you really think you might need these other items then put them in a box. Put that box in storage, and if you need to use it, you can.
  • If 100 is too easy, try a lower number. How about 95? If you're really daring, try 75, or  50.
My list so far:
  1. Laptop
  2. Phone
  3. Camera
  4. Climbing shoes
  5. harness
  6. chalk bag
  7. Bible
  8. printer
  9. bedding
  10. backpack
  11. sunglasses
  12. Sanuks
  13. running shoes
  14. running shoes
  15. hiking shoes
  16. flip flops
  17. black dress shoes
  18. brown/black reversible belt
  19. cloth casual belt
  20. gyro forearm exerciser
  21. door frame pull up bar
  22. yoga mat
  23. coffee maker
I still have to go through my clothing. That will be the hardest part.

I might choose to list the coffee maker and printer as non-personal since my roommate might use them as well. I chose to list my laptop as one item, but I'm including it in the collection with its charger, mouse, mouse pad, and webcam. Same with my phone. It and its charger are one item.

Things I'm not counting (so far):
  • Furniture
  • school supplies
Once I know my full list, it will be posted.

Try the 100 thing challenge. Remember, you're the boss of this. You decide what counts and what doesn't. Write to me in the comments section on your progress, or message me in the contact section in the sidebar.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Update 2

Back in the post, Empty Pockets, I talked about what I carry with me daily. A lot has changed since January. Now I carry what some would consider less, and some consider more:

  • Phone
  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Wallet
  • Occasionally my keys clipped to my belt
Now I've carried a notebook and pen only since my last post, Update, but it's become quite the habit. I am starting to get the naked feeling when I don't have it on me. I write down so much stuff in it throughout the day.

But that's the thing! I don't want to be reliant on items. I don't know if this just isn't the system for me, or I just need to get used to this. Maybe the fact that I have a notebook in my pocket is odd for me. Either way, I like being able to write things down. It's quick, personal, and efficient.

Next on my list of habits is to start an inbox system. My desk is like any other teenagers: cluttered. I declutter it frequently, but have yet found a system that I personally like to keep it clear. What I plan to do is to have a single "box" (I don't know physically what it will be yet) to put all incoming papers/items into. The habit itself is to go through this box completely every day so that it is empty by the time I go to sleep. This is going to become quite a habit to start; I need to break my bad habit of having a cluttered desk.

I like focusing on one habit at a time. It has given me the ability to focus on it fully. I am looking forward to these new changes in my life.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Disconnect and Be Present

Your computer and phone were initially designed to save time, let you connect more with people, and maybe even relieve stress. But actually, it is the opposite. Right now, reading this blog post probably isn't the sole purpose of why you got on your computer. You maybe want to check Facebook, Twitter, or watch YouTube. Maybe even read the news. I'm not going to say give up doing all of that, I'm guilty of it too. I'm saying don't do it just because it's there.

What I am going to tell you is to disconnect.

Turn off the internet when you don't need to use it. It creates distractions and essentially makes any task longer. If you absolutely need the internet, use the full screen mode or close your other tabs. This lets you focus on what you need to accomplish.

I hung out with some friends the other day, and when I got there, a buddy of mine was searching his car for his phone. I helped him out, but without any luck, we couldn't find it. He then called his dad to see if it was at home. It was, and my friend was relieved. I was glad and started to go to the ice cream shop we wanted to go to. He had a different plan. Not only did he say he felt naked without it, he went back home to get it. He then arrived 20 minutes after everyone else, when he was actually the first one there. Even though the purpose of him going out was to be with other people. That got me thinking even more about disconnecting.

People don't even need their phones with them 24/7. It's a waste. Turn it off if you carry it around. An even better idea is to leave it at home. I know sometimes it can be a necessity to have it on you, but that doesn't mean keep it on. Turn it off instead.

How often do you go somewhere with the people you care about just to have your face in your phone talking to people you aren't with?

Turn it off and focus on the people you're with! Appreciate the moment you are in. Be present and not miles away talking to someone else. That text, Facebook and Twitter can wait, and so can you.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I didn't update like I wanted to. I have accomplished a lot since I wrote last. 
  • I read Zen To Done by Leo Babauta. This ebook is great. I am now trying the system out. It's about creating habits, productivity, and achieving goals in a simplified way. 
  • I decluttered much of my closet. I tore apart my closet and got rid of all the junk and trash. Now everything is in its place.
  • My desk has stayed relatively clear. I say relatively because I don't have an inbox set up yet. All of my "to do's" have piled up. That's one of the next things in the Zen To Done (ZTD) system for me.
  • I've started carrying around a small notebook. Instead of getting out my phone, going to the notes application, and typing, I now have a notebook to write my MITs and to do's. I've also started capturing ideas and the like in it. It's become useful and I hope to continue to use it.
I go to orientation this week for The Ohio State University. I'll get a good idea of what I will need in college, so I will be able to write down my list of everything I am bringing to college. I plan on doing the 100 Thing Challenge. I'm only bringing 100 things to college. I can't wait to start making the list!

I'll be able to update more frequently now that I have started ZTD. It consists of 10 habits I need to make, and I will record what I do. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Simple Summer

My summer plans have grown exponentially over the last couple weeks. I have a 40 hour per week job babysitting and a bunch of things I want to do. It has become so overwhelming with my plans, my parents plans, preparing for college, hanging out with friends, and my friends plans that I have no "time" do just take it all in. So I broke it all down and summed it all into simpler plans.

My current summer plans/goals:
  • Construct another blog
  • Write an ebook
  • Write everyday
  • Vacation with my family
  • Babysitting
  • Climbing
  • Work on personal goals/habits
I feel that most plans are limiting. I still have a few things here and there I have scheduled. For example: I am going rappelling in late June. But I don't have anything scheduled that will take up a vast amount of time. I am now free to work on goals and habits. I am also free to schedule last minute things. I can also do more routine things like working out, or going climbing. Not only did I free up my commitments, I removed future stress from my summer.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Documenting My Simple Life

This summer, I'm going to implement everything I've read, agree with, and have always thought "I want to try that sometime." I'm not saying I don't live simply, because I do. I have learned over my "break" from writing that since I wasn't writing, I started to revert back to a complicated lifestyle. My room started getting messy, I had more stress, and work was just piling up in my life.

My solution? I'm going to make a list of every topic, every idea, and every system I've come across in my journey to become a minimalist and have a simple life. My goal this summer is to focus on making my life more simple, and to document all of it. That way I will always have something to write about frequently, and it will make me think and prepare for other entries. Tomorrow's post will be of my plans. Meanwhile this summer, I will be writing my ebook. The only thing I will say about it is that it will be useful for all students even if they are not interested in "living simply." 

I will post once to twice a week sharing what I've done to make my life simpler. If something happens or comes up, I will post about it. 

Subscribe to my RSS feed to get these posts automatically.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

6 Gas Saving Tips

With high gas prices, summer can get costly. I have a car, so my wallet is feeling the strain of filling up my gas tank. I have a simple solution for this.

Don't fill up your tank as much.

That's easier said than done. Daily errands, appointments, and commitments can eat up a major amount of gas. Here's some simple ways to not use as much gas:

  • Combine trips. If you plan on going to the bank, grocery store, and drugstore this week, do it all in one trip. Instead of driving back home between stops, plan out a day to do all the errands. 
  • Carpool. If you know someone is going to the same destination, carpool to save money.
  • Ride a bike. Don't waste gas on trips across the street. Ideally you could ride your bike to work, but if that isn't realistic, ride a bike on simple trips. Going to a coffee shop to meet up with friends is a great time to ride a bike.
  • Walk. Walking can be very relaxing. If the summer weather is nice, a walk can relieve stress and offer a no cost solution to high gas prices.
  • Cut back on commitments. If you have a busy schedule, you will be paying for it at the pump. Cutting back on commitments can help eliminate trips and tank fill ups.
  • Drive slower. Driving fast uses a lot more gas than driving the speed limit. It seems pretty self explanatory, but in reality many people drive five, even ten miles per hour over the limit. Driving the speed limit can save you gallons of gas. Just don't rush, and give yourself a little more time to get to places.
I'm positive there are more ways to save money at the pump: rewards programs, gas cards, etc. You can easily come up with a few based on your own driving habits. 

What do you do to save gas? Let me know in the comment section.

Monday, May 30, 2011

High School Is Over

Friday was my last day of high school. I now have a large commitment out of the way. I'm able to focus more on my blog now. I apologize for the lack of posting. Looking at my priorities, school trumped blogging. But now school is over for me, and now I have much more time to write. 

My graduation is Saturday. This brings up two options for this blog:
  1. Changing the name. I'm not going to be in high school, or a "teenager" that much longer. I need to appeal to a wider audience.
  2. Keep this blog the way it is, and start another blog from scratch.
I'm leaning toward making another blog. I have links all over the web, and this blog has become a stepping stone for me. I have learned many things by writing this. Living simply is a journey, and I've gotten so much closer to my goal.

Keep your eyes out for a few things:
  • My new blog
  • An ebook (Big surprise! Even for me! I'm excited about this.)
  • More posts regarding my college plans, and having a simple summer
For all you high school students still in school: focus on exams, the day to day life, and being present. Don't be distracted. Good luck to all of you!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

In 10 Years

While being a senior, I have filled out many scholarship applications. Most of them are the same question, asking why I need the money, what field am I going into, etc. But the latest one I worked on was different. The essay prompt wanted me to write about where I wanted to be in ten years. I don't honestly know where I will be in ten years. I just know that I will be happy when I get to wherever that is. I will have made many more goals between now and when I am twenty-eight. I do not know what those goals are now, but I do know that they will have to do with my education, career, and personal life.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Everyone has setbacks. Whether it's something that is between you and your goals, or it's holding you back from starting something. Don't let anything stop you.

I had a few setbacks recently. They weren't bad setbacks, just made me hold back on completing some goals. After rethinking things, I set my priorities straight. I haven't posted in a while. I realized that it is harder to blog during high school than I thought. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Calling vs Texting

Like the rest of the teenage population, I text. Way back when, I would text nonstop. But I look back on that now, and realize it was a complete waste of time. I never needed to really talk to that person. I was just bored. Most of the time, the conversations would be like this:

Me- "Hey"
So and so- "Hey"
Me- "What's up?"
So and so- "Nothin much. You?"
Me- "Nothin much."

And this pointless banter would continue for maybe 15 minutes, or even an hour. Nothing productive came from these texts.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Empty Pockets

At least everyday at school, I get hit in the hallway. Not by a person, but a purse. A huge, bulky, ridiculously large purse. I am used to it. It happens all the time. But recently, it got me thinking...

Why do we carry so much stuff?

We want instant gratification, and I think that having everything with you satisfies the need to get that instant gratification. Usually, it's only girls that have a million things with them, but now a lot of guys do too. Why do you need all that stuff?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Use the Rush to Your Advantage

The scramble at the end of the day. Traffic. Road rage. Crowded parking lots. Wouldn't it be great to leave school with no driving stress, whenever you decide to leave?

I arrive at school at 6:45 in the morning. I get a good parking spot, and can easily take my time to get to class. I am there when my friends arrive. If I am running late one day, I know that I still have plenty of time to get there.

But the afternoon is another story. School ends for me at 2:10.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Zen Computer Setup

When I get on my computer, I see my desktop background. That's it. I used to have a bunch of icons, gadgets, and the toolbar taking up space. I thought that since it was right there, it was simpler.

I was wrong.

Having everything right there is very distracting. When I want to go online to check the weather, I see everything but what I want. I see games, programs, and, well, everything! I would get sidetracked and end up doing something completely unrelated.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My Goals: Morning Routine

sunrise yoga

I started off right away with my 2011 goals. First on the list is my morning routine. I woke up today at 5 am, and drank some water. Then I proceeded to a nice half hour of yoga. If that didn't wake me up, I don't know what could!

Since I can do yoga in the morning, I just knocked out another goal without even realizing it. That is a simple and easy way to get my goals accomplished. If I only had gotten up at 5:00, and had done nothing, I probably would've fallen back asleep. If I do that every day, I will be a happy camper.