I plan on bringing only 100 personal items to college.
I read about this concept in a book by Dave Bruno, The 100 Thing Challenge. It's a fantastic book. The goal of this is to reduce the amount of clutter you have, and to see what you actually use and love. (Edit- I'd like to give a big thank you to Dave Bruno personally for reading my blog and retweeting this to all his followers. He has done me a huge favor by doing so.)
What isn't included:
- Books
- Cleaning supplies
- Things that aren't personally yours, like dishes, an air conditioning unit, fridge, or TV.
- Tools
- Collections count as one item
I am excited to give this a try. Since I'm going to college soon, I'll be able to use this to guide what I take to college. That way I will truly see how well I can live with only 100 things. Then I will limit my entire life, and not just what I bring to college.
What is included:
- Personal items
It's up to you to decide what's personal and what isn't. Usually you'd include shirts, pants, and clothing all as individual items. There is no judge, no competition, and no wrong answer to this.
How to start:
- Inventory: Write down everything you choose. That way you can see how close to 100 you are.
- Make a must keep pile. This is for things like a phone, keys, your Olympic Gold Medal, and clothing. Mark those separately, so you know not to forget them in the list.
- Mark all the maybe items. If you get over 100, remove items from this list first. These are items you are borderlined about. Maybe it's that home run derby ball, or the shirt you got for Christmas.
- Get rid of the rest. It's all right if this last step takes longer than the others. If you really think you might need these other items then put them in a box. Put that box in storage, and if you need to use it, you can.
- If 100 is too easy, try a lower number. How about 95? If you're really daring, try 75, or 50.
My list so far:
- Laptop
- Phone
- Camera
- Climbing shoes
- harness
- chalk bag
- Bible
- printer
- bedding
- backpack
- sunglasses
- Sanuks
- running shoes
- running shoes
- hiking shoes
- flip flops
- black dress shoes
- brown/black reversible belt
- cloth casual belt
- gyro forearm exerciser
- door frame pull up bar
- yoga mat
- coffee maker
I still have to go through my clothing. That will be the hardest part.
I might choose to list the coffee maker and printer as non-personal since my roommate might use them as well. I chose to list my laptop as one item, but I'm including it in the collection with its charger, mouse, mouse pad, and webcam. Same with my phone. It and its charger are one item.
Things I'm not counting (so far):
- Furniture
- school supplies
Once I know my full list, it will be posted.
Try the 100 thing challenge. Remember, you're the boss of this. You decide what counts and what doesn't. Write to me in the comments section on your progress, or message me in the contact section in the sidebar.